Your Neighborhood Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Store in Fayetteville, NC
Get Answers. Be Informed. In Person.
Health insurance helps cover expensive medical bills and offsets the cost of routine healthcare checkups and prescription medicines. Often times people underestimate the importance of health insurance. But simply put, life is hazardous, and everyone needs to have the protection that health insurance provides. As a family, you may have to deal with an accident or sudden illness and unexpected medical bills. As a small business owner, you must provide good protection for your employees at a manageable cost. Quality health care is essential, but how can we afford it?
Health insurance has become one of the most challenging financial necessities facing every individual and family in the United States. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina® is a leader in providing quality protection for individuals, families and business owners throughout our state. At the Blue Store in Fayetteville, our mission is to provide the best in coverage and personal service. That is just one of the many reasons why today, more than ever, people are moving up to the quality insurance protection Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina® and the Blue Store in Fayetteville can provide.

At the Blue Cross NC Store you can...
- Get help finding the right Blue Cross NC health insurance plan for you:
- Individual and Family Plans
- Health Plans (including maternity options)
- Dental Plans
- Medicare Plans
- HMO, PPO, PDP, Supplement and Dental
- Group Plans
- Health Plans
- Dental & More Options
- Talk to an agent about health care reform and how it affects you
- Find out about Blue Cross NC member programs
- Attend one of our weekly Education Programs
- Get answers about your policy or bill

W. Craig Autry
About Us
At the Blue Store in Fayetteville, we can provide guidance and expert advice in structuring an affordable health plan that will prevent an unexpected illness or injury from becoming a financial burden on your family or small business. As dedicated agents for one of North Carolina's most established and well-respected insurance companies, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina® (Blue Cross NC), we have the tools and expertise to meet your health insurance needs.
Our agents are available to discuss any questions you may about your health care policy, or about the new changes taking place due to the Affordable Care Act. Stop by the store and sit down with one of our health insurance experts for a free consultation.

Linda Williams
Office Manager
Licensed Agent &
Medicare Specialist

Lisa M. Autry
Health Agent

Gwyneth Williams
Plan Coordinator
About Blue Cross NC
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina® is committed to helping improve the health care system in our state. Working with doctors, hospitals and other health care providers, Blue Cross NC provides innovative solutions to rein in costs and simplify the health care system in North Carolina. Employing more than 4000 people in the state, and investing in programs to improve the health of its citizens, Blue Cross NC is an integral part of the North Carolina community.

Sasha Flynt
Blue Cross NC Customer Service Rep
Blue Medicare SupplementSM from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
For North Carolina beneficiaries enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Part B
Original Medicare only covers some of your medical costs. That’s why Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) offers reliable Medicare Supplement plans to help lessen the worries over what Medicare doesn’t cover. Choose from a variety of Blue Medicare Supplement plans to find the plan that best fits your needs and your budget.
With Blue Medicare Supplement, You’ll Enjoy:
- Coverage for the costs not covered by Original Medicare (Parts A and B)
- The freedom to see any Medicare-participating provider nationwide
- Rates as low as $38*
- Flexibility to change plans
- A healthy aging and exercise program
- A program for significant savings on hearing aids
Footnote: *Example for a female non-smoker, age 65. Premium rates can vary based on a number of factors. Contact Blue Cross NC or your authorized agent to learn more.
Supplement Plans from Blue Cross NC: Discover the Benefit of BlueSM
Blue Medicare Supplement plans provide savings and peace of mind for more than 234,000 North Carolinians across our state.* As North Carolina’s preferred health insurer,** people depend on Blue Cross NC's large network of providers and 87 years of experience to provide the knowledge and expertise they need, right in their own backyard. Footnotes: *234,000; Blue Cross NC internal data for Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement and stand-alone Part D as of October 2020. ** Blue Cross NC Brand Tracking Study; Ipsos; July 2020.
Blue-to-BlueSM: Built-In Flexibility
All Blue Medicare Supplement plans feature the freedom to switch Medicare Supplement plansat specific times throughout the year. If your needs or budget change, simply change planswithout having to answer additional health questions.* Footnotes: *Members of plans sponsored by Blue Cross NC will be able to change to other plans available when they purchased their original plan. Certain limits apply.
Guaranteed Acceptance
You cannot be turned down for Blue Medicare Supplement, and may not have to complete a medical questionnaire, if you meet the following criteria:
- You are age 65 or older, or under age 65 and are eligible for Medicare due to disability*
- You enroll within six months of enrolling in Medicare Part B
- You are not covered by certain Medicaid programs
- You are a resident of North Carolina
No Waiting Periods
If you enroll early, you may be eligible for a Medicare Supplement plan without waiting periods for pre-existing conditions. If you wait until after your deadline to enroll, you may have a waiting period for pre-existing conditions.
Stay Healthy With Silver&Fit®: Built-In Flexibility
Most Blue Medicare Supplement plans include our healthy aging and exercise program, Silver&Fit. Enjoy a low-cost fitness membership at a fitness facility near you, or enroll in the Home Fitness Program and exercise in the comfort of your own home.* Disclaimer: *The Silver&Fit program is provided by American Specialty Health Fitness, Inc. (ASH Fitness), a subsidiary of American Specialty Health Incorporated (ASH). The program is not part of a member’s policy or benefits, and is not available on our Plan G-HD. All programs and services are not available in all areas. Please make sure to talk to a doctor before starting or changing an exercise routine. Silver&Fit, Fit at Home and the Silver&Fit logo are trademarks of ASH. Other names or logos may be trademarks of their respective owners. Home kits are subject to change. Not all YMCAs participate in the network. ASH does not offer Blue Cross NC products or services. Not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program.
TruHearing Program®: Built-In Flexibility
TruHearing covers one hearing aid per ear per year for a low copay of $699 per TruHearing Advanced hearing aid or $999 per TruHearing Premium hearing aid. Also, as part of the program, a TruHearing provider will help you choose the best hearing aid for your lifestyle and unique hearing needs.* Disclaimer: *TruHearing is a registered trademark of TruHearing, Inc. TruHearing is an independent company and does not offer Blue Cross NC products or services. This program may change or be discontinued at any time.
Ready to Get Started? Learn More About Blue Medicare Supplement
- Compare plan benefits
- Get a free rate quote
- View the Blue Medicare Supplement Outline of Coverage brochure
- For costs and further details of the coverage, including exclusions, any reductions or limitations, and terms under which the policy may be continued in force, contact your agent or the company.
- • Plan A: BMS A, 12/18; Plan G: BMS G, 12/18; Plan G-HD: BMS HDG, 12/18; Plan K: BMS K, 12/18; Plan N: BMS N, 12/18.
- WNC Health Insurance is an independent authorized Agency licensed to sell and promote products from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC). The content contained in this site is maintained by WNC Health Insurance. Neither Blue Cross NC nor its agents are connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program.
WNC Health Insurance is an independent authorized Agency licensed to sell and promote products from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC). The content contained in this site is maintained by WNC Health Insurance. Neither Blue Cross NC nor its agents are connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program.Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) proporciona asistencia ratuita a las personas con discapacidades, así como servicios lingüísticos gratuitos para las personas cuyo idioma principal no es el inglés. Llame al 800-672-6584 (TTY: 711) para obtener ayuda. Caution: Policy Benefits are limited to those approved by Medicare for payment.
BLUE CROSS®, BLUE SHIELD®, the Cross and Shield symbols, and service marks are marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. All other trade names are property of their respective owners. Blue Cross NC an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. U4093, 2/21
Contact Us
We are available for a personal consultation to assist you in finding the health insurance coverage you need at a price you can afford. Stop by your neighborhood Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina® store in Fayetteville. Our agents are here to help.
Store Location
211 Westwood Shopping Center
Fayetteville, NC 28304
Phone: 910-868-1928
Fax: 910-868-1946
info @
Normal Business Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Open Enrollment Hours
Nov 1st- Dec 15th
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: by appointment only
Click on the map to open a larger Google map or get driving directions.
Customer Information
- Click here to read our Privacy Policy.
- To file a complaint with our agency, please contact Craig Autry:
By phone at (910) 868-1928 or by e-mail at prestigeins @
- To file a complaint with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
please visit The Department of Health and Human Services
Click below to view a presentation on Medicare Advantage plans

The BlueStore Fayetteville/Prestige Insurance is an independent authorized agent/agency licensed to sell and promote products from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC). The content contained in this site is maintained by The BlueStore Fayetteville/Prestige Insurance. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
®, SM Registered marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.